Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hello from Africa!

Muli Bwanji! ("How are you?" in Chichewa)

I can’t believe I have only been in Malawi for a week! It already feels like I have been here for months. It blows me away to think I have finally arrived and feel so privileged to be apart of this amazing opportunity here in Lilongwe.
The fam bam at Brian's Wedding

I was blessed to have spent my last week before arriving in Africa in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Most of you know that I was down there with almost my entire family celebrating my brothers wedding. We had an awesome time together and it was especially sweet for me to spend some quality time with the ones I love the most before hopping on a plane to Malawi. 
Cousin Carly and I in Cabo

The journey began last Sunday morning when I left my precious family and friends in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It was a bitter-sweet breakfast full of laughter, tears, and prayer, but I was excited and ready to experience the unknown. The 36 hours of traveling that I had before me ended up being better than I could have hoped for. Don’t get me wrong, I was tired of sitting, for sure, but the time went by quicker than I expected. Four flights and three layovers later, my bags and I had made it to Malawi!

I wasn’t surprised when I stepped off the plane, it was exactly as I had pictured. Tall grasses, acacia trees, and bright smiles but unfortunately no elephants, at least not yet. Africa also has a distinct smell- it constantly smells like a fire, well Malawi does.

First African Sunset
When I found my bags and walked out of the airport I was met with open arms and smiling faces from the Academy. The ABC staff is so friendly and welcoming, it was as if we were old friends. This feeling has continued all week and I can now say we are like a little family. There are 22 of us that are new singles and it is like college all over again. I have yet to cook a meal for myself, as all the families are having us over for dinner. We have had game nights, potlucks, shopping trips, and workout sessions. People are so relational here, you can’t walk down the street without saying hi to everyone and stopping to have multiple conversations.

School here starts tomorrow and I have been swamped in the accounting office. God is definitely stretching me this year and I have felt overwhelmed and unqualified multiple times. Fortunately, everyone here is full of grace and confident that I will figure things out in no time. As a first year there is a lot to adjust to and so many details to work out.

Overall I am so blessed to be here at ABC. It has only been a week and I already have so many stories and a great support system here. I am excited to announce that I will be PLAYING on the women’s college basketball team here. Guess its not time to hang up the shoes just yet :) For those of you who know me you know how excited I am! Especially since our first game is next Friday!
Some of the ABC staff

Thank you to everyone who has supported me prayerfully and financially. I know I am exactly where God wants me to be in this moment and I cant thank you enough for your support. It wouldn’t have been possible for me to be here if it wasn’t for you and all of your love and encouragement. I seems surreal to me that I am finally here.

1 Corinthians 7:17 - "And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there."
I hope to write you all again soon!

Tionana ("until next time"),


  1. I love you, Ames! SO thrilled for this new adventure! <3

  2. You are such an encouragement! I love hearing how you're doing. Will keep praying for your stay there :]
